State Rep. Nick Santucci | The Ohio House of Representatives
State Rep. Nick Santucci | The Ohio House of Representatives
Following Governor Mike DeWine's State of the State address, Majority Whip Nick Santucci (R-Niles) responded with a statement highlighting key points and areas for further discussion.
Santucci expressed satisfaction with the governor's focus on workforce development, emphasizing its importance to Ohio's economic success. "I was pleased to hear Governor DeWine’s strong focus on workforce development in today’s State of the State address," Santucci stated. He noted that expanding opportunities for individuals with disabilities, youth, and retired populations could fill workforce needs and strengthen the economy.
The statement also acknowledged the significance of manufacturing investment for Ohio, particularly in the Lake-to-River region. "Manufacturing has long been the backbone of our local economy," Santucci remarked, underscoring its role in job creation and economic growth.
However, Santucci expressed a desire for more details regarding economic development strategies. "I would have liked to hear more about the governor’s vision for economic development, blight removal, and revitalization of our neighborhoods," he commented.
Santucci concluded by expressing his commitment to collaborating with legislative colleagues on these priorities. "I look forward to working with my colleagues in the legislature to build on these priorities," he said.