"China is dominating LED lightbulb production. Thats not just bad for Ohio and U.S workersits a national security issue.Thats why I wrote text in the DoD spending bill to require LED bulbs purchased by the DoD to be made here in the US.Congressional Republicans blocked it. twitter.com/BucyrusTF/stat"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Tim Ryan:
"On this day in 2010, the Affordable Care Act was signed into law.In the 12 years since, countless Ohians have been covered and lives have been saved. We must continue the fight to expand coverage, make care more affordable, and protect preexisting conditions."Read on Twitter
"Ohio added 13,500 manufacturing jobs over the past year.But theres still plenty of work to do.Congress must build off this momentum and pass the COMPETES Act to strengthen our manufacturing sector and create good-paying jobs for generations to come." on March 22Read on Twitter
"Happy #NationalAgDay to the Ohio farmers and ranchers who work hard to put food on our tables.If you havent yet, #ThankaFarmer today." on March 22Read on Twitter